Friday, February 19, 2010

Reality of Hunger

This past week we were able to experience one families deep need for food. This was a large family with 4 children who, like many in our nation, have run across hard times. This family is perfectly normal from the outside. Their children are so well mannered, dressed in nice clothing, happy and healthy. However, when you stepped into their kitchen one thing lacked. Food. They have benefited from the local gleaners, who deliver day old bread from the stores, veggies and fruit that may not be perfect but still edible and local food pantries. While this family had not asked for help, it was evident they needed it.

If you can take the time, donate to your local food pantry. I know many of us don't have much, but grabbing an extra bag of rice, or a few extra cans of veggies on sale at the store and donating them has a much bigger impact than we imagine sometimes. Just because a family is well put together, does not mean they are not struggling. If you know a neighbor or friend who needs a little help, consider making your own food basket and taking it to them. If your not sure what to buy, consider a gift card to your local supermarket.

Volunteering your time at your local pantry may give you just the push you need to step up your own donations. Realizing how many people out there are down right now will encourage you to give just a little more this time.

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