Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Secret Valentines

There are many reasons to look forward to Valentines Day. Kids love giving cards to their classmates and the class parties that cut into the school day. Young lovers, enjoy giving gifts and cards that express their deep desires. Couples enjoy a night out together over a romantic dinner. Parents tuck valentine notes into their kids lunches or coat pockets. For many, Valentines is more than just chocolate, but a day to really show your appreciation for the one you spend your days and nights with.

For some, Valentines is another day that triggers heart ache. Those who have lost a loved one, friend or family member are the hardest hit. Single people who long to find someone special can feel saddened when love abounds in the air.

A wonderful way to take the sting out of being single, whether by choice or by chance, is to take this day and do something secretive and special for someone you know who may also be having an equally hard time. Send some roses signed, "from a friend who thinks your the best" or "thinking of you today". An elderly woman who has lost her spouse will be touched by the jester and it will help to brighten your day too knowing you were that secret someone who cared.

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