Monday, November 2, 2009

Offering Your Sympathy In Tough Times

Sympathy can take on many forms. It can be in the form of a sympathy gift basket, a heartwarming letter or a heartfelt phone call. Showing sympathy during these difficult times can be for many reasons including the death of a loved one, a lost home, the death of a pet, tragic accident or even a grim diagnosis. During difficult times, those we love need to know they are not alone. They need to be reminded that others care about their well being and will be there when times get tough. Showing sympathy and empathy is not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes we may feel awkward because words do not come easy for us. This blog discusses many ways we can help each other show care, concern and sympathy to others that are close to us or even across the globe. If someone has shown sympathy to you, post about it here. It may help someone else show sympathy to individuals in need.


Steve O. said...

What a great concept for a blog. We need more compassion in this world!

Chris said...

About 6 months ago I lost my Aunt. My moms sister.I was devistated, I couldnt speak at the funeral because I was in so much pain. But out of nowhere my 7 year old daughter made me a card and wrote me the most beautiful words. These words looked like they came from an adult. They were sincere, loving and this truly helped me get through that difficult time. This form of sympathy was unexpected but helped in a large way.