Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Preparing Children for Surgery

I have some wonderful friends who have a little boy with a heart defect. He has had several open heart surgeries. I've been blessed to watch how they help him understand all the tubes and wires, doctors and nurses and the unfamiliar surroundings.
He is 5 years old and this will be his 7th surgery. That is a lot for a little one. Building a sense of control into his life is key. For weeks ahead of time they "play" doctor and listen to each others hearts. Getting him familiar with the masks and the doctors tools.
A good set of Fisher price doctors tools and bag helps them to play these simple games which actually are preparing him for the real doctor. His parents do their best to keep happy and play with him to keep his mind off things.
The biggest thing they have reminded me of is that children are very aware with how comfortable or uncomfortable the parents are around the doctor and machines. If you are relaxed your child will naturally follow your lead. It may be hard to hold it together some times in front of the child, but doing your best to smile and stay calm is the best way to help your child do the same.

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