Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. A time when families come together for good food and fellowship. Families try to put aside their differences and count the things in their lives that truly matter. They reminiscence about Grandma's cooking or that one dish someone brought last year that was terrible. The days usually end in light laughter, happy smiles and full tummies.

For some, however, the holidays are a reminder of the loss they have endured. Reminiscing about loved ones alone can make what was once a holiday celebration, feel like losing them all over again. We all know someone who is alone on the holidays. Maybe it's an older couple, maybe a young lady who has lost her parents, or an older gentleman who lost his wife. Who ever it is in your life, inviting them over to spend the holidays with your family will not only give them reasons to give thanks, but will give you many reasons to count your blessings this holiday season.

1 comment:

Jim said...

We get so wrapped up in the preparations, its good to look around and see what we can do for someone else during this time.