Grieving takes time. The healing can happen gradually. You can help someone through the process by giving them support, but you cannot make it go away. There is no right or wrong length of time, some people grieve and go through the stages quite quickly and revisit them over the years, some people linger over the stages.
We have have come with a few simple ways to support those who are grieving.
• Help create routines
• Talk about past memories
• Focus on the positive and not what if’s
• Pray with and for the person who is hurting
• Encourage them to get involved with a church group
• As a friend remember hard days or moments of time
(anniversaries, birthdays)
• Remind your friend of loved one that it is okay to smile
and laugh
• Suggest writing a letter to the loved one, or keeping a
• Don’t be afraid to have a good time or to laugh
To Read More about helping other while grieving, please visit Planet Gift Baskets