You know the saying; until you've walked in my shoes don't judge me? Have you ever considered that everyone has a story. Even those beautifully made up women in the store at 5am while your standing there in your pajamas, slippers and a hat on, have a story. Just the other day a dear friend of mine was shopping in the underwear section. Did you realize it can be almost impossible to pick out underwear when your stress level is to the max? My friend had just learned her brother was going to be put on kidney dialysis. While she is surrounded with friends and family who are there to help her out during this time her emotions are still running high. She doesn't know why she was in the underwear section at that very moment but she was. Standing next to her was another lady with the seemingly same issue. Picking out underwear. While my friend made a comment about just giving up trying to find the right kind, this lady responded, "I can't give up, I just checked my brother into the hospital. His kidneys are failing." Amazed at what just took place my friend Lisa introduced herself. Out of her mouth poured encouragement, understanding and a sympathy no one else could share with this stranger at that moment.
My point is this. We all have burdens, heartaches and joys. You may not understand someones pushy way in the store, or their apparent lack of awareness around them. I myself have been guilty of judging those who seem to only lookout for themselves, or seem to have no thought of anyone else around them. Did I ever consider their hearts may be so full of grief they are walking and doing without thinking? Instead of feeling we should pay back insult for insult, or rudeness for rudeness, let us try on the hat of patience, understand and sympathy. We have not walked a mile in everyone shoes, and the lady who seemingly is rude and huffy, may be at Walmart trying to find some clothes to change into because her life is in upheaval.